Sunday, July 15, 2007

What i did in the holidays

On Tuesday our family and friends went up to Rainbow Skifield and I went snow boarding. It was fun and I fell over. It hurt! My brother hurt his armso he went in the first aid room and he got his arm bandaged up. My Dad went skiing. My Mum and my sister went on the tractor tube. It looked fun! I had a go on the tube and I fell off it. Me and my brother made a jump and I hurt my arm then Dad fell off his skies and he rolled down the hill and it was funny. When Dad got to the bottem of the hill he was laughing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, your family sounds accident prone! Were there any bandages left in the first aid kit by the time you all went home?

The ugliest dog in the world

The ugliest dog in the world
At least I don't look like that